Ascende Capital works with select company founders, partnering with them to reimagine and realise the full potential of their business.
We add both intellectual and financial capital to create enduring companies and long term value.
About Us
Ascende Capital is not an angel investor, a venture capitalist or a private equity fund. We work with select company founders, partnering with them to reimagine and realise the full potential of their business.
We don't invest in start-ups or seek early stage investments. We seek private businesses, with sustainable, proven revenues that we can invest in and add value to.
Our investments are highly strategic, targeted and hands-on. We commit to each of our investments and embed our expertise directly into the business. Our success is attributed to our commitment to both financial capital and real knowledge capital to create an enduring company and to realise long term value.
Ascende Capital is a partner for growth.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create an enviable and consistent record of superior returns across our portfolio maintained throughout all types of economic conditions.
Our focus is to work closely with management, founders and stakeholders to create value in each of our investments and build strong and sustainable businesses with an emphasis on growth, benefiting all parties involved.
Our Values
When we invest, our knowledge of developing value in private companies becomes an asset to that business. Core to our investment philosophy is being an active investor, guided at all times by a strong set of corporate values:
- Integrity
- Meritocracy
- Partnership
- Opportunity
Our Team

David Kaestner
David has been involved in the construction industry for most of his career working at a senior level with major international companies. David is now primarily engaged in the acquisition, restructuring and management of businesses using his strategic leadership and management experience to help re-position them for success. David is a founding member of Ascende Capital and has completed the Owner, Presidents, Managers course at Harvard Business School.

Andrew Holborn
Andrew has 30 years experience in commercial and financial management primarily in the engineering and construction industries. He is a founding member of Ascende Capital and his focus is on the acquisition and professionalisation of SME’s in that sector including Ark Group (acquired by the listed Calibre Group) and SWG (acquired by the listed Programmed Maintenance Group). Andrew is a graduate of UWA and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

Scott Anderson
Scott started his career working in the offshore construction industry moving from project engineering roles to executive operations management positions and working with various companies both in Australia and internationally. In the last 10 years Scott has been primarily engaged in the acquisition, restructuring and management of a number of different businesses using his experience to help re-position organisations to ensure sustainable growth and ultimately ongoing success. Scott holds an Engineering Degree from the University of Strathclyde, an MBA from the University of Western Australia and has completed the Owner, Presidents, Managers course at Harvard Business School.

Ben Dorant
Ben has devoted his energy and intellect since completing his Mechanical Engineering degree (with honours) from Curtin University, his Diploma in Management and his Diploma of Education to building his commercial and operational skills in the Western Australian resource sector. Ben is passionate about developing his leadership skills and the capability of his teams through continuous learning and mentoring while challenging the status quo through the early adoption of innovative and creative ideas. Ben is driven by success and is currently completing an MBA through the Australian Institute of Management.